Attendance & Dismissal
Submit Attendance Information
Absence Policy
Please notify they Attendance Office by 8:30 AM on the day of the absence. When the student returns to school after an absence, they must bring a note to the health office explaining the absence and listing the dates. If an absence is planned in advance, a note to the Health Office is necessary.
Arriving Late
We ask students and families to work hard to be on time to school. When students arrive late (after 8:00 AM), they should report to the Health Office, sign in, and get a pass. They will be expected to have a note from a parent/guardian stating the reason for your lateness. Chronic lateness will lead to a meeting with the student, parent(s)/guardian(s), and an administrator.
Leaving Early
Students may not leave the school property without permission. If a student needs to leave school between 7:55 AM and 2:30 PM, they must bring a note from home stating the time of and reason for departure. This note must be brought to the health office at the beginning of the day. Before the student leaves school, the parent/guardian must sign out the student in the main office. If a student comes back to school the same day, they must be signed in at the main office before returning to class.
Being Picked-up During School Hours:
Students will not be permitted to be picked up from school after 1:45 pm; in cases of special circumstances, please call the Main Office.
Students being picked-up should bring a written note from a parent/guardian to the Main Office when they get to school. Then, when it is time to be picked up, please provide the note to the teacher, and they will dismiss the student from class.